A downloadable game for Windows

Backrooms: First Contact

PC port by TheBlueRuby
Original scratch version by BixBox


My first game ever made.
A simple raycaster (partly following a tutorial) that is a remake of one of my friend's games.
Feel free to mod!
Will possibly continued as a mod for Doom, but I don't have any plans for it currently.


1. Download the .ZIP file below

2. Extract the files from the zip

3. Run backrooms.exe
    (If you are suspicious of it, source code is up on github at https://github.com/TheBlueRuby/Backrooms-First-Contact)




W or ↑        - Move Forwards

S or ↓        - Move Backwards

A or ←        - Turn Left

D or →        - Turn Right

E or Spacebar - Open a door


The title screen will transition into the game after 3 seconds

Survive for as long as you can without entity 3 (the Smiler) killing you

The map is small, but explore as much as you can

The entity kills on touch - Avoid it if possible

If you die, a death screen will appear for 3 seconds. You will then restart

If you survive for long enough (30 seconds in the demo) you will get a demo end screen, then restart.

To quit the game, click the X icon in the top right corner of the window



Working on expanding map and adding mouselook

Window cannot be resized or fullscreened


If you want to mod,  clone the Github repo.

To edit the map, edit map01.txt in the "Maps" folder. To change textures, the youtuber 3DSage has a guide to export to the required format. Export to TexAtlas.ppm and monsterTex.ppm To change the music, create a midi file, rename it to D_BKROOM.mid and place in the Sounds folder.

When you want the changes to apply, recompile "backrooms.cpp" using MinGW32 G++. Midi changes do not require a recompile.

Make sure you have FluidSynth added to the includes! Use the winXP x86 version.
Also remember to install Freeglut through MSYS2

Compile command:

<MinGW32 g++ path here> .\src\backrooms.cpp -o .\bin\backrooms.exe -m32 -pthread -mwindows -I"<minGW32 include path here>" -I"<Fluidsynth include path here>" -L"<minGW32 lib path here>" -L"<Fluidsynth lib path here>" -lfreeglut -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglut32 -lwinmm -lfluidsynth

.\ refers to root path of source directory (contains src and readme)
You can also edit the vscode build task



Backrooms Wikidot at http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/

Backrooms: Found Footage by Kane Pixels

Backrooms: First Contact Demo (original scratch version) by BixBox (ported with permission)
    BixBox credits Griffpatch for the scratch raycasting tutorial


OpenGL Raycasting tutorial by 3DSage


Backrooms: First Contact Demo (PC Port) by TheBlueRuby

Mite Productions is

Co-Founders - BixBox and TheBlueRuby

Writers and Artists - TheBlueRuby, Zaethar, BixBox

Programmers - TheBlueRuby, NoobMuffinMan

Other members - Intentional Game Design, PandarificJTL

Mite Productions
Release date Jul 15, 2022
Made withBosca Ceoil, GIMP
Tags3D, backrooms, Short
Code licenseMIT License
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksSource code


Backrooms-First-Contact-Win32.zip 7.2 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and run the exe!
If there are any missing DLLs, make an issue on the github repo ( https://github.com/TheBlueRuby/Backrooms-First-Contact )

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